what up swift…so when am i gonna show u guys how to deliver pizza the Si Style :runaway
no offence just like fucking with peoples pic
lol, stockcarboy made a funny!
haha my first time at the track i did wat you said and it was an embarrasment!!! lol :runaway
i run a 17.5 at 55mph the car shut off at the 18th :runaway im just glad it didnt break whats peoples best reaction time ? mine was .099
you did it wrong :tong
apparently silent listens to directions better!
haha i followed your directions to a “T” you just didnt realized how much power the ls had… lol
sooo i took your guys advise and invested in some bigger rims…i bought these used off some kid for 300…they really arent in bad shape, a little curb rash but i can probably touch it up…i also relocated the license plate…tell me what you guys think
haha my bad im signed on at my friends house…didnt realize i was still signed on his name
Joe what wheels are those? You should’ve bought mine.
your wheels are the ugliest wheels ever to be manufactured on planet earth
That’s harsh man :ponder
i love them…chuck…urs were way worse
they dont look bad, you need to lower the back of your car more tho!
Yeah your car will prob look better in person then in pics…thats what usually happens with black rims with pictures…
He has springs and shocks in the front but not the back lol
:wow WTFWHY?
for traction, duh.
He has the backs but he couldn’t do it himself and he’s too cheap to have a shop do it lol.
:crackup thats funny, I’d just have a shop do it