new plate...dont like it, well that sucks


a ricer fly by is going WOT by a car that you lost too after the fact he already let off the gas and you keep on going and swerving through traffic and shit…

sooo I dont see where your going with this.

see previous post.

if you want to be king of the roll race, move to Texas, and do the 60-130 races
this is a debate with no end in sight. if you arent pulling on someone within a gear. there is not really a point to go on. going 200 on a public road is nonsensical. remember, deer arent smart. they will walk out infront of you, and your car will disintigrate at those speeds.

theirs a difference between going 60-190 when theirs no traffic in the middle of the night opposed to doing it during the day full of traffic.


racing is racing. Who cares how the raqce is initiated? if its from a dig cool, if its from a roll, cool. If its in reverse, cool. Its still all racing.

i know, and drag racing on the ext isnt at all dangerous and there is absolutely no way of getting hurt, or hurting anyone else.

i launched in reverse once at work :lol it was old grand marquis

what i say goes back to me letting off at 100ish. if i start at 60 and pull on you, whats the point of continuing past that? if you pull on me from spinning or whatever the case, there isnt a point to keep going if the gap stays the same or gets larger. if youre side by side through every gear. again no point in continuing. winning from a missed gear proves nothing



i say 60- what ever, i would roll from a 20 idc, i understand there is no reason to go to 200 if there is nothing changing, or the one winning is pulling hard, but bikes have different powerbands and sometimes it takes some time and some mph to pass a 1k cc sportbike, or another fast car.

where the fuck would you be able to hit 200 around here?

a lot of places :nod

its nearly been done…dont worry about it lol

rather not say on here for obvious troll reasons.

i did 190 plus on rt9, just off exit 10 heading north on rt9 towards roundlake, pretty much everytime i drive my car. on video to :lol :lol

ive pegged 150-160 in the same stretch… but my gearing/tire size and revlimiter would only allow me a top speed of 182 anyways…

Elliot and I have done 8 150+ mph pulls on a length of road and I’ve hit the rev limiter at the top of 5th in my car, which translates to 173.8mph

The fastest Ive gotten up to was 120 on the northway and I hit traffic. 135 on 890 in my friends old '98 Mustang GT with the top down was scary shit.

I’m guessing you know the guy with the dealership at the halfway point of that little stretch, the one with all the tire marks in front of it?

The guy that will have a Viper sitting out front for sale in fucking late December in the middle of a snow storm? :rofl