new plate...dont like it, well that sucks

All I’m saying is just don’t keep droppin’ the “wait til spring, it’ll be 11’s” line and just do what you’re going to do, throw the plate on and come out with it all done and run it. Just like with my car, I haven’t said anything, not going to say anything, just going to come out and see what it does. If it runs 10’s great!, runs 11’s? awesome, runs 12’s?..well then I’ll crash it into a wall. :lol

i do :lol

nice plate imstill debating on wether or not i want to keep my car. if i do i will have a sweet custom plate also

I was gonna get one to taunt Tony that said “Z0 What”. :umm

I probably wouldn’t have posted your new plate on here, I’m not sure if you wanted to do this for attention or what. Did you not think the Honda guys on here would be all over you?

So much stupid technicality bickering and arguing in this thread.

so your pretty much saying your gonna be running 11’s in the spring and hopefully 10’s but everyone else who talks like that…

well “this is my summer ! im gonna def hit 10’s man”

there i said it :smiley: hit 10’s in i dont know what haah

as for the license plate , there was a thousand better choices, but whatever your girl got it for you, she seems pretty chill so w/e its all good i woulda been happy with it too ! nothing like another thing to stick on your car and boost your 4th gear tire ripping ego up a bit more :smiley: (JK LOL)

  1. Cool plate
  2. Will do work against most hondas(Minus brooks/stallmer etc)
  3. for the love of fuck stop the i only have 4 cyl excuse…YOU picked YOUR platform, take it and stfu. You wouldnt see me sayin to a Viper that OMG you have 2 more cyl, if i had 2 more cyl i would own you…OMG HP per L @#$%^& /rant
  4. Im running 8s next year :ninja

I’m running 7’s…N.A

thanks…dont know if your fucking with me tho lol but anyways, whats your plate gonna say??


my plate will say OSO SLOW

mine =mullet

that works.

that’s funny, I’d love to get somthing like “lsx dude” for the civic as a joke.

watch it tony will get ya small fry

if it gets people angry I will prob 100% do it, as of now it’s just a funny idea I’ve been thinkin of.

haha z0 what doesn’t bother me, my car was built to go fast from a dig, on the highway, road course etc. Im not the one telling people i cant race b/c “my car is loose, and cant go over 90mph b/c of suspension issues” You gotta beat me b4 you can taunt me!!! This past spring i asked for a nice friendly run and was denied for the above reasons. :nana

was it by a mustang terminator?

every terminator i have raced has seen nothing but vette taillights. jammer is the one w/ the “z0 what” plate his car is the white turbo t/a.

I’m well aware what Jammer drives, I’ve talked to him at the lot before.