new plate...dont like it, well that sucks

travis. youre doing it again.

Ive never driven a fast car, shit i cant even drive! :nuts

…and he complains when it’s thrown back at him.

me either, fastest car ive driven runs in the 11s.

fast is 10s or faster

oh well at least they still have the option to drive again not all burnt up :umm

Fastest car ive been in is a low-mid 9 sec :excited

thats movin


Wes’ car :ohnoes

ive been in some fast cars. but quickest ive driven in a mid 11 car.

Noo, not Wes’ car, his car runs high 10’s…

prolly a scary 10 though

I would love to see the T/A vs the Z06…that would be a badass race/

hell yeah it would be

thought jammers car laid down 700+?

i cant either. :ssh

It lays down all sorts of different #'s :ninja

funky boost controller gremlins eh? :crackup

13’s all day

  • 1 lemme drive that sumbish

“chill the fuck out !.. I GOT THIS !”

Sumin’ like that :lol