New Problem - RAID Problem

Oi, lucky week eh?

Anyway, when my computer fubar’d itself the other day, for some reason, the BIOS switched itself from “SATA as RAID” to normal. As a result, when I got the machine up and running, it had 2 HDs showing. I went and switched it back to “SATA as RAID” in the BIOS, but it gives me a NTLDR error message and restarts.

How do I fix it? Am I going to have to “repair” windows via my XP setup CD again with the RAID turned on properly this time?

oh man

if you had data on two hard drives and then something initialized a raid

bad news man.

if its a dell it wipes the drive before initializing the raid.

send your drives to me. dont try anything else and pray

reread the post.

It was originally a RAID.

I want it to be a RAID.

I dunno wtf happened, but now it’s not a RAID, just two duplicated HDs. Any way to get it back?

And I’m not sending my drives anywhere.

My logic being, if one HD had failed in the array, I could pull the other HD, and pop in a new one, and it would rebuild itself right? But, for some reason when XP “repaired” itself, it did it on a non RAID setup. :cjerk:

I tried fiXBOOT that didn’t help.

what raid are u running?

RAID 1 (mirroring?)

so then you didn’t lose any data, right?

just go to disk management and reinitilize the raid. (assuming your using windows to manage the raid)

because it was a mirror you will be fine.

no other ideas?

Well I tried Windows Repair and no luck> When set to RAID, when I get to the setup portion of the setup, it doesn’t recgonize that there are any current installs. Ugh. I’m out of ideas. Any others?

Is it RAID on the motherboard? You may just have to boot up and push the F+# to enter the RAID configuration and rebuild it. Make sure to choose the correct drive to create the RAID from… don’t go backwards :slight_smile:

If its RAID from a secondhand PCI card, again… its either a before-windows key combo, or a program inside of windows that you can use to fix the RAID.

You’re not completely screwed. It happened to me too, but my RAID was built into the motherboard. I just had to go into the boot-up configuration, and recreate it.

Hope this helps point you in the right direction

Your boot.ini file has probably been changed. You need to point it to the Raid device instead of the first HD. With luck, that will fix your issue.

RAID from Mobo. nothing in the utility that loads at startup seems to help. I’ll check again.

Copy of boot.ini

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS=“Microsoft Windows XP Professional” /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

This is what it says when I load the config utility.

Intel RAID for SATA - RAID Configuration Utility

Main Menu

  1. Create RAID Volume
  2. Delete RAID Volume
  3. Reset Disks to Non RAID
  4. Exit

Disk / Volume Information
RAID Volume:

ID Name / Level / Strip / Size / Status / Bootable
0 WF_RAID_Vol1 / RAID 1 (mirroring) / / 232.8GB / Normal / Yes