New ride/impulse buy 99 Eclipse GST Spyder

Im not sure I understand your question?

I’d think spending under $1,500 on the parts and then having a machine shop do the install for $500-600 for a grand total of around $2,000 is better then having Buschur do it for $1,100 more plus the cost of shipping which on a head id assume would be over $100 each way.

I dont ever mind spending money, but I cant stand waisting it.


Did you spend less to buy the aftermarket than the proven OEM?

dude, what the hell are you talking about?? lol Im building a 9 second track car, you cant use stock cams, valvesprings, retainers ext lol… wtF?

Oh. My apologies. I didn’t realize you were making a 9 second track car. 10 or 9? You edited the post.

Anyhow, here’s a 9 second stock block DSM: STOCK BLOCK Record broken by Ostar |

Going for very low 10’s to high 9’s

Pretty sure a stock block and a stock head are two different things. Aside from a stroker kit, building a block doesnt make a car faster, it secures the car under high boost and makes it more reliable so I can understand someone not building there block if there on a budget. A head however provides for a high revving motor and top end power which would add speed.

Last, on a stock block, I bet that car doesnt make it 10 times down the track withot blowing up… If im putting all this money into my car, I want to make it reliable hence why im building both and the block and the head.

plus that car was a 1g which is a totally different beast and had arp studs making it not a stock block.

I think you missed my point but that’s OK. :slight_smile: Good luck.

I got your point… but it doesnt make sense lol…

You were asking if the aftermarket parts i bought that are un proven were cheaper then the oem parts that “are proven”

When building a race car you dont use stock parts.

I guess I didn’t realize you were building a 9 second track car. Therefore, I questioned why you would buy cams and such when the OEM motor is so stout. It’s a valid question given the frequency of 9 second cars in the Capital District…

You can use stock parts on a car car. I never heard of that rule.

If you read anything in this thread it would be easy to determine my goals in this car… only mentioned them on practically every page lol… And I never said you CANT use stock parts on a race car, I said you dont… a stock bottom and top end eclipse wouldnt go 9’s…

I definately missed that. After years of being in this scene, I ignore the “9 second” dreams.

I still don’t get the stock parts/car car rule but that’s OK.

2G stock block won’t go 9s? Been a while but I thought both 1G and 2G have done it. I know 1G has. What’s the 2G record now?

Why you gotta shit on the guy? And what exactly is a “9 second” dream, are you saying this dude won’t make it to 9 seconds?

Even a cavalier can go 9 seconds with enough money:

At least there isn’t halo headlights and a snowplow of a bumper on this thing.:rofl

Who is shitting on him? The “9 second dream” comment refers to just the majority of people who build 9 second cars. I have no idea what he will do (nor care) but history (stats) say it won’t happen. That’s not a dig against him but reality of the Internet. Good luck though. That’s a hell of an accomplishment.

You can insert { car } here and find a Youtube video if it beating a Jet. I am not sure your point.

This isn’t rocket science. It’s a valid question to ask why DSM owners would add aftermarket internals when the stock motor is so successful. I understand now given the goals. I think the comments are being read into a bit too much.

Halo headlights? Snow plow?

well if it doesnt excite you anymore then by all means ignore away, but dont ignore because you dont believe itll happen because i gaurentee it will happen. Im not some little kid that dreams about doing things to his car, ive had my eclipse for 6 months and already have $27k into it, more then most people do owning there cars for 5+ years.

Again with this stock block stuff lol… built block doesnt add power mannn so building or not building your block makes no difference in speed lol… it just makes the life of you motor last longer. A stock HEAD on the other hand is something ive never seen in a 9 second eclipse.

$27K into a DSM? God. That’s a lot of coin.

Last longer?

Well. I’ve seen a stock block (including head) 9 second DSM. But, that’s not important.

$27k is just what i have into it thus far… not including the $750 i spent today for an intake manifold & throttle body and not including the $650 for cams, $350 for valvsprings and retainers and some other misc shit… still have to grab a turbo too.

I’d like to see a link to a stock bottom and stock head eclipse running 9s

$27K and you didn’t buy an upgraded turbo?

Video from 2010 ->

and as for lasting longer, building your bottom end does just that… trying to find the vid on youtube of buschurs built block and stage 3 head… its been romped on at 40psi for season after season and they ripped it apart to see the condition and the thing was miintt

dude, the car is in a bagillion peices lol… again, ive only had the car for 6 months, 4 of which it not being driven lol…

and bro ur starting to make me angry lolol… stock block means BOTTOM END ONLY!! block = crank, pistons, rods… I gaurentee the head on that car is fully built.

Shawn, that car has only a stock bottom end. There’s no way a stock head is revving to 10k.