new salem saab gov. auction sale

10/29 10:00AM, by Order of US Bankruptcy Court, Fred Carl’s New Salem Garage Inc, location 2017 Central Ave Albany NY, cars, flatbed wrecker, SUV, van, tools, alignment hunter Troy NY (518) 279-3700 (518) 376-2756 Link
10/24/2011 Saab

is this why albany speed moved?

either way looks like there could be some good stuff to buy


paging the tdi wizard

I would think they would take the Hunter alignment tool and whatever other tools they could move!!!

OH FUCK ME!!! I’m all over this.

rep for the post.

Dibs on #2 pencils and all papermate pens.

I hit the preview yesterday. Nobody working had much info, just said to get there at 830 Saturday to get a list. Cash, cashiers check or bank note only. Everything is no reserve. I’ll be there.

If you have real questions I have real answers. But before you assume or judge, google Saab News and see whats happening. I have no shame. I worked my balls off to save that place…being a single point saab dealer was a bad deal…the new business without the franchise allows me to better cater to you anyway. I’ll work twice as hard here cause its 1000% more fun!

Right ON! No sense going down with that company. You made the right decision to cut your losses and do your own thing! :tbu

I’m just getting back to work myself this week. So I am sure I’ll have some work to pass your way now.


nothing wrong here, move on

just an FYI… anyone who has driven by the old shop on central ave for well over a week now would of noticed the giant sign that is out front stating the auction. this is not a hidden secret, or something that the guys at ASS were trying to hide.

all this was known , d/c was up front with it and whatnot lol . saab is bankrupt not a.s.s pay attention before ya judge lol . do most understand how much overhead there was if they stayed there ? way to much to be worth it i.m.o d/c and a.s.s did the smart thing by moving and doing what they do .

Thanks for the respect. I appreciate you knowing the truth.

+1. Saab let its dealers down. New Salem stuck with it longer than anyone could have expected. Kudos to Darryl for moving on and giving his employees a chance to keep making a living.

This 9-3 sounds like death, BTW.

I am also going to throw in there that the New A.S.S location is 100x nicer than New Salem Saab was. it may be a little bit off the beaten path for some of us but the space and fit and finish of the new place is top notch. Even my Girlfriend was inmpressed

I’ve had family members have to take similar steps to keep their core business afloat. You will not be judged by me, it’s what you had to do. Keep doing your thing DC.

tons of dealerships had to shut down the last few years, it is what it is.

did anyone pick anything up at the auction?

ive driven by the new place a few times now. looks like a nice building from what i can see from the road (very little)

I must be one of the lucky ones, its about 5 minutes from my house, only have to go down depot road/school road and im there