new salem saab gov. auction sale

New building def isn’t small garage space is only 10ft shorter

TDI Wizard went (shocking!) Ended up coming home empty handed though…

i’m sure you are not heart broken that he came home that way

:lol i thought hed at least buy the flat bed lol.

i tried. those auction faggots bid everything way up to where it wasn’t worth buying.

Lol Im not judging just asking if this was the reason they moved, ass did right by me so I’m not against them at all, although they are no longer across the street lol

Glad I posted this tho since at least one person didn’t jnow about it and was able to see if he found anything he wanted to buy

I <3 my saab.

R.L Smith sells used saabs and they are good people

Meanwhile u should have been at the sch county tax forclosure auction with me. So much went so cheap mostly land. Even i bought some, for 100bucks!

I need to get in on that.

As soon as the shop truck hit $3000 I knew they’d spiked the coffee.

GOD DAMNIT JAMMER!!! I would’ve went had I known about it. CALL ME next time and i’m down, fuck i’ll even drive.

Seriously. WHAT THE FUCK is that shit. That damn truck wasn’t worth over $800.

Should’ve introduced yourself though man!!

Y’know, I saw the giant truck and figured it was yours, but I don’t know what anybody looks like, and if some strange dude approached me all HEY ARE YOU THAT GUY FROM THE INTERNETS I would possibly be concerned.

I hearby vow that the next time I may be in the vicinity of a fellow Shifter ill display some kind of attention-getter.

yea i wasn’t expecting anyone to recognize me, but all my shit stands out like sore thumb. lol. especially covered in mud. :rofl :rofl :rofl

^That would have been appropriate for meeting Wayne in person. He gets it all the time.

Yeah, i was there too. It sucked how we had to wait till the afternoon for all the shop equiptment, which was all pretty beat up, and then got bid up well over what it was worth. If we could have seen the stuff before i would have walked away and saved 4 hours of my life

:rofl :rofl :rofl


wtf, sign me up! i wanna go!

Three grand for the white Silverado? Shit, that 9-7x probably sold for over 10 grand.

i think it sold for 7 or 8k actually!!