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Daniel Mank uploaded this video to

Daniel Mank uploaded this video to

God, that car is so fucking stupid looking.

Serious question: do you laugh everytime you get in your car? Cause I’m looking at it and just cracked a smile.

I just assume photoshop everytime I see this pile.

im sorry but the exhaust sounds like your farting into a stainless steel mixing bowl.

Im only smiling because its smiling back at me.

thats what im sayin!

I always get a happy feeling when I get in my car :mamoru:

HAHA on the upside, no matter how bad your day was, at least you can walk outside and get a good laugh out of how ridiculous your car looks. However you would have to have zero dignity to drive that around.

I think we’re being punk’d

I would certainly hope so.

The seem lines on all the body work looks pretty decent actually.

Switch back to a stock bumper and then your car will have a lot more credibility.

Don’t worry about how your exhaust sounds… Even grand nationals sound shitty as fuck with exhausts its the design of the engine.(Love GNs though!)

Get a super charger from a GTP to offset the sound.

I was planing to use the M45 kit (GM kit for the 2.4L) with an alky kit but that will be down the road after getting larger discs around the car.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I tried to make the exhaust sound not as bad because I didn’t want a raspy sound but it is hard when all 4 cylinders exhaust turn raspy at high rpms.

You are dead serious about the mods on this thing arent you :uhh:

Welcome!! Nice work.


i can never take this car seriously.
one of the funniest things on this board.

looks the same as it did a year ago

Oh, I didn’t realize the car really had a face, I just thought that was photoshopped in your avatar.

It’s kind of neat in a funny/odd way. :tup: To each his own.

If you had any other front bumper than that one, it would look decent, even mean in a GTO kind of way… but man that lower half has got to go. Otherwise nice ride! welcome!