New Toy

umm surprisingly they either spun a full 360 or they didn’t spin at all.

x2. That’s an impressive 60’. Especially with independent rear and a clutch. Congrats!

i want to fuck your car silly… ok is that cool?

umm ya just make sure u give her the reach around lol

more pics from lsx thanks to sk360

Looks awesome. Who did the paint on it?

Jeff Young, Young’s Autobody in Latrobe…pretty much right by twinlakes off or rt30

hmm smaller pulley???

hmm smaller pulley results in new clutch…

lol, funny how that works.

indeed. i can honestly say i didn’t see this coming haha.

well im very curious as to how it reacts to the smaller pulley along with the cold air

no one will know until I buy a new clutch… which means I need to make myself busy to make some money.

is it still twin plate? can spec rebuild it?

ya jeff its the one u put in last year before MIR.

ok so ya the clutch is back at spec now getting reworked to handle a bit more tq haha. on with the pics!

clutch is back in. transmission is almost done… then gotta charge battery as the rest of the car gets put back together. then hopefully dyno tonight. leave tomorrow night. and race with the 1st Try Crew at MIR…