New Toyota plant Texas now open!

i used to think that unions were a bad thing… then you start to realise why unions first existed and the forces that unions prevent. If not for unions the wage and employment strucuture in the US would be very much like asia (and i dont mean the $2 an hour thing) that has yet to unionize. Unions derived out of the ideal that the people who build the products should earn a greater share of the profit or even own the company. just because unions got carried away and ended up pricing their own labour out of the market does not mean they are a bad idea.

True enough that Toyota doesnt pay as much as GM or FORD but that is irrelevant because every single one of the high-paying, unionized jobs at the Big 3 US companies is becoming scarcer by the day. Pretty soon that will be like saying the DODO was the best bird in the world and all other birds suck… who cares, there are no more dodo’s.

The fact that Toyota pays slightly less is also not relevant to this arguement really because they still pay more than most jobs do and are still improving the North American job market and for that we should all be happy nad respectful.

some American profits stay in the US but they dont benefit you do they… heck ass no they dont, they stay in the pockets of the illuminati and you’ll never see a penny anyways.

the most interesting thing about the global automotive market is what is going ot happen in China over the next 30 years.

China’s automotive industry is going to develop 5 times faster than the American one and the big 3 know it. right now there are like 30+ small chinese manufacturers of automobiles and you can expect consolidation in their markets 5 times faster than it happened here as well.

you can also expect GM to already own some of them and to quickly be trying to become a leader in what will be a very profitable market over the next 2 decades and so you can expect much of their profits stateside to go into funding their operations in China and their chinese manufcaturing plants over there that will no doubt be making the parts that end up going into all their world-cars.

nothing is as cut and dry as internet-opinions would have you think.