New xbox 360 dashboard released tomorrow

im debating if i want to sign up for netflix. for the people that have it, is there any point to it? cause i usually just DL all my movies anyways? any info would be great.


well it would be legal…

wanna be our 3rd?

OK but I’ll need a bigger “drive” as well…

lol @ legal. shut up ORB

I think it’s worth it (more so now than ever).

I subscribe ONLY for their online service, but do occasionally order through the mail.

Free downloading: Takes a lot of time

Netflix: take a few mins.
small fee
totally legal

lol shut up STEVE… nobody asked you!!!

lol ok sorry. yea seems aight. ill have to think about it.

should be cool


i guess if you signed up for NXE preview…you can DL it now.

yea not happy about it…

buying another broken one to fix real quick and play on while my elite gets warranty work done.

dunno man, but i can tell u the jokes dont bother me lol

anybody get this yet? just trying to hear thoughts on it.

was gonna grab it this morning before work, but forgot. ill DL later.

I like it. fairly simple layout. And if you don’t like it just use the xbox button on the controller and it gives you a mini pre-nxe dashboard.

I wonder if hard drive failures will pick up from downloading games right to the hard drive. GOW2 took up like 7 or 8gb.

Hopefully this “broken xbox” i got lasts until i get my other one back.

very cool.

cant wait to try it later. just hope it wont cause a ban craze again.

Simple, clean, and seems to work nicely went without a hitch. Loaded Forza to the HDD this morning. But didn’t get a chance to try it out, but the fact the option is there now kicks ass.

Now I just need more HDD.

ugh…def. seems like ill have to go out and buy a bigger HD…booo

I can’t wait for this album!!!
