New years resolutions.

Think of them as little determined cylinders of opportunity.


Would your mom let you stay out past 10? If so, we all should get together and have one hell of a night on the town…

Put 1J in Supra
Go back to the gym
Finish little projects in house
Get out of CC debt and save $
Try to keep my mouth shut at work and not get fired

Im well beyond the having to be allowed out stage. However my better judgement advises me not to go anywhere youre going to be.

HA! Good comeback.

Get down to 200 lbs. I started at 300 a couple years ago, im down to 225 now, 3/4 of the way there

I plan to lose lose 40lbs by March 1st:thumbup

20lbs a month huh?

That’s easy, its called puking after every meal.

but u have only so much fluids to lose b4 u dehydrate yourself and die.

40lbs in 2 months is so unrealistic. sorry to burst ur bubble hun but it is. maybe 20. thats if ut shit is spot on.

Get cast for Jersey Shore season 2

YES :rofl

go skiing more/get better
keep running 3 miles/day
start working out a few times a week
get eeeeemr2 running MINT and “stanced” on the BBShits
put mr2 and BBShits in stallmer alwaysforsale mode
drift the piss out of it at all events i can attend
get 14.2 or so with the new clutch
scoop gopro hd
pull more outrageous, funnier pranks

not really resolutions just goals


x1000, she just wants a RESULTS RIGHT NOW deal, rather than being realistic about it and losing 5lbs a month or so. It’s sad how many people aren’t willing to do anything to meet their goals.

BRB, gaining 50lbs of muscle by April:retardclap

Kramer, with your build, cardio is not needed. Spend that time in the gym or eating. If you want a good working program and diet, I’ll help you.

Took me about 6 months to lose 30 pounds after my last semester at college. 40 pounds in 2 months is asking for problems, calorie deficit wouldnt even be close to the right saying for it. More like calorie drought, losing that much weight in 2 months could definetly have some consequences.

Protein bars, gotta get that protein son

Fuck u. Srs. I have done it before and had knee surgery and gained it back, I workout everyday and eat a healthy diet, it is completly possible, no need to be a dick. Thats my New Years Resolution, I didnt ask ur opinion on it. kthnxbye! :retardclap Also I didnt say " I WILL lose it by then" I simply said I wanted to.

If u have the right diet and workout plan its possible. Anytime I wanted to lose weight Ive never had a problem, its easy its just I have to put time into it.

Fuck you, srs. Losing weight the right way is not as easy as financing a BMW. You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

Do u know me? No didnt think so, How do I have no idea what Im talking about , show me where I said " I WILL lose 40lbs by March 1st" …Ill wait…

I simply said I plan on it, hope to, its my goal, and financing my bmw was easy thank u very much!

That right there shows that you have no idea what you are talking about. No one with any kind of basic grasp on nutrition/training would set losing 40lbs in 2 months as a goal.