New years resolutions.

Are you a Health Nutritionist? or a Gym Personal Trainer? What makes u think u know all? It was my goal who the hell are you to down it? and be mean about it? wtf…:Idiots

According to PJB, “I’m an expert on everything”, but that’s not the case. The facts are is that I’ve worked with some of the top trainers/nutritionists in the industry, but anyone with a basic knowledge of losing weight will tell you that setting a goal of losing 40lbs in two months is totally unrealistic. Deadbeat did before me (not comparing my knowledge to his, he’s applied his nutritonal knowledge for much longer than I have).

You can do and it will kill your metabolism. Theres better ways of doing it that wont effect your body negativly and will promote better health on a long term scale. Im not trying to be an asshole and I hope you succeed just do a bit of research if you havent before you dive into a crash diet.

Wait, I can’t, and should not attempt to radically change my body composition in 2 months?!:haha

Cottage cheese diet, and youll end up looking like what you eat:lol

Well Tricia, the only thing to be done is try, trying never hurt anyone. Guys don’t get it cuz they’re dumb sometimes :hug


There doesn’t need to be a crash diet just a change in diet and activity in general. Some people are able to lose that kind of weight in a short amount of time and others can’t. Not any one person is the same.

Tricia, if you dont, you owe me like a billion trays of cookies. theres ur motivation.

just do the stemfast diet …

without T3 hormone (mimics thyroid) , Clenbuterol (ups the heart rate and core body temp) , some HGH and test to make sure u dont lose muscle , a spot on cal deficient diet , fat burning cardio (which is highly different than just getting on there and running ur ass off) , and a great workout plan , losing 40lbs of pure fat is imposible in 2 months.

if u want to set a goal of 40lbs thats all on you. have fun trying. remember, im here to help if u want it. but lets first be realistic about things first, then take on step 2.

I lost a LOT of weight running 3-5 miles/day or skiing 5+/day 2 winters ago, only worked out a little bit. I dont really know what I’m doing in the gym so I’m a lot more comfortable running. If you could help me though that’d be great, I guess. Only thing is it is damn near impossible to keep a steady diet down at school.

One way to take fat off fast is with a box cutter…

Well ilu tricia. so thats all that matters :slight_smile:

my goal is to have a amazing body by summer so I set my goal high to get myself motivation, I will be wearing a bikini this summer!:bowdown

inefficent. those are made for fine tuning. fast way of losing weight is chainsaw:ahh