New Years thread

I spent my New Years eve at a small party of 10.

Everything in this picture, except for the tequila and jimmy was killed.

glorious slushy machine kept everyone from driving that night… Nothing like waking up to bodies all over the floor passed out sleeping :tup:

Also, mudslides turn into soft serve icecream after a while!


Drank 2 blue Monsters to stay awake & woke up early to teach Spinning this morning. Ran a few miles before class to warm up. Teaching @ 5 & 8am tomorrow before work too.

worked at the cosy until 10pm… hung out with family and friends for the rest of the night and closed out at the Saucy Chicken at abour 3am

Went out to dinner with friends in Manhattan, a couple bars, then ended up at Webster Hall for Nero @ 3am, home around 7:30am, made breakfast, passed out till 1pm’ish.

Just did a search on slushy machines… are they really around $2000 for something like the one you have???

How was Nero live?

Amazing, I’ve recently (in the past two months) seen Skrillex, Nero, and a bunch of smaller edm acts. Thought Nero was the best I’ve seen so far. I really wanted to goto Avicci but wasn’t going to drop the $400 for the cheapest ticket.

My dad got it from the HSBC Atrium building when marriott pulled out. He got a popcorn machine and a deep fryer too. Brand new this unit was over 3500$ Its about 10 years old now and still works perfect.

On my couch. Sick as fuck.

Been hearing that about a lot of acts from across the pond, $100 Rusko tickets and it got shut down by the cops, small riot etc.

---------- Post added at 07:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:05 PM ----------

I just got over it… Mucinex-D saved my life.

went DT, lots of people got tazered

Sat at home with the family, played some PS3 online watched The Godfather part 1 and drank a few beers, nothing insane oh and i pissed the neighbors off with my air horn lol then went to bed at 1am. woke up at 7am made some bacon and eggs smothered in franks red hots and watched The Godfather part 2 and 3

Went to a bar to see a friends band. Boo’ed them on a few songs for the fun of it. Got shitfaced. Hit a woman repeatedly with a spatula while telling her to make me a samich. Later I had to hold her up and wound up telling her “dont rest your head on me, it makes me uncomfortable”

It was a good night!

What happens in Canada stays in Canada.

Why is this in Gen Auto? Figured it would be 2012 car goals.
I had some people over and hung out nothing too crazy.

Watched a few dvd’s with the GF and was spit up on.

You probably found my slutty ex over there.

  • Went to a party at a friends farm. 90% of the booze was home brew.
    The still works pretty good.

Out with friends to some normal spots. Got driven home safely and went to pick up the gfs car the following day.

Went to a party at my friend’s place on Bryant. It was fun but I’ve had better New Year’s Eves.

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i forgot to mention i have a rediculous case of pink eye in both eyes and was wearing sunglasses all evening… no doubt people thought it was weird.