Rate your New Years 2008

simple … 1-10 rating, and give a quick recap

Note: I copied this from HRK’s thread from last year.

Mine was about a 0.

about a 8.5… def an excellent time at avg joes… watching 87fox hammered and dancing his ass off was hilarious :lol:

now im going to pass the F out, i have to be up early for the ice bowl

The broads can’t get enough of the lawnmower, ever.

I had a blast though, good crowd and not too packed made for a great New Years celebration :tspry:

Ugh, now its bedtime so I can get up for tailgating at zee Ice Bowl in 5 hours. :picard:

This new years kinda sucked. I’m used to a being at a party and taking a shot right after the ball drops. This year I was sober. God damn bible belt.

1… worked for onyx doing valet

on a plus side i saved money and made money so its not all bad, just wasnt " fun"

i am going to ruin my ex tonnight

i had fun

  1. great - true friends, ballin $$$ 08

Mine was a fuckin toilet. worst in along time. fuck my life.

Mine was a lot better than I had expected. My friend was tending at Steer so I drank cheap all night. Had some friends I hadn’t seen in a while come out and we had a good time. Got introduced to a girl who was hot but seemd bat shit crazy, got introduced to another girl who seemed rad. Then stopped at Jim’s for a bite, came home, and here I am.

Meh I gave mine an 8. Although I was stuck home mother was drunk as fuck and dad was asleep so I had some time to myself out in the garage with some food and surround sound. got some work done on the BMW. then met an amazing girl running somewhere quick :smiley:


just another day of work…money keeps me going

I fell asleep under my coffee table at 11:30, and got to sleep for almost 8 hours. I’ll give it an 8/10.

Had a nice dinner, watched a movie, tuned in to see the ball drop at 12, went to bed. Nice, relaxing night… only thing that would have made it better was if I wasn’t so tired. :wink:

Rock Band + Illicit Drugs + Alcohol + Friends = 10

8/10 good fun

  1. i ordered a pizza wings and steak sub.

drank a few brews and passed out at 1201.

i rated it a 5

i would of voted 0 if i could have

Got to spend new years with my girl friend and good friends! Just a simple house gathering with TV + Wii, but it was nice.


I went to sleep at 7pm woke up at 12:10 when my friend called to wish me happy new years. I have been up since 12:10 playing halflife 2. Now i’m bored.