Rate your New Years 2008

7/10. Went to Martini Grille in Rochester then (?) Chocolate bar on Alexander I think, then Rubino’s for a trash plate. Good times but one of my friends was being a dramatic PITA and the line at Rubino’s took forevvvvvvver and it was the only place open at 3am on New Years. :bloated:

Now shower and off to the ice bowl.

Had a good time, had dinner and some champagne and chilled at my house. Its rare that I have a rocking NYE, parties tend to turn into drama between certain significant others and bars generally suck as its obviously amateur night.

Nothing special.

What a bizzare night

First went to the deuce, then mulligans. Thats about where my memory gets fuzzy. Then I think we met some random people on the street, who insisted we come with them to some vodka bar on Virginia St. No clue what the name of it was. All I remember was people buying us Heineken all night. Thats all I remember, i know theres at least a few hours I will have to piece together later…

Id give the night an 8

rate it 7 after spending it with the family, we had some good convo, but only got 4hrs of sleep so im in a bad mood now

note: excellent champagne last night

don’t remember much… went to a friends house for a party, then to the brick and from there to some other bar that I wasn’t familiar with

my head hurts and it wasn’t really that crazy of a time

got drunk. played some wii.


We can’t all be pros like Belber now can we?

I had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants but it sucked. Their best foods are their burgers and sandwiches but they had a special NYE menu, all $20 steaks and whatnot. My steak was at most medium when I wanted medium well and they didn’t have the potates I wanted so I got a tiny plate of fries instead. No tip for them.

The highlight of the evening was back at the gf’s apt watching Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe DVDs… :lol:

tsk tsk. medium rare is where its at.

I like my cow dead and cooked.

same with us… mario strikers and the bigs

party at my friends house, clams, scotch, bodingtons, heineken, spicy meatballs


me and the gf in a hotel room. 360, john lennon imagine dvd, alcohol.


All I remember is waking up in a field facedown and naked covered in blood and a few feet to my left was a dead cow…


went to a friends party, got flashed for my b-day present then… 8/10

6/10 chilled with family.

Just another average new years eve.

Had to do a fireworks standby with the fire company so thats a -10. But then went to the bar and hung out with Jack and some old friends which is a +10. so I just about broke even lol.

i put 1 because i went to bed at 10:30pm. Though i did wake up and find out my sister had her kid. :tup:

had some good food and drinks …then Dick Clark did the count down…

mine was the best its been ever, I had a good time.