Rate your New Years 2008


a 1

almost got arrested by the Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission for being at an illegal new years party at a Fashion Institute of Dallas… sweet… got kicked out at 11:45, celebrated new years in the middle of a street trying to catch a cab so we could salvage the night.

I capped off a great new year’s eve by being detained at a DWB checkpoint in Angola. Totally awesome :tup:


Awesome time.

had sex multiple times but i was thinking about sumthing else during it those times so…


hahahaha!!!You missed a good times at Ryans I give a over all night a 7 because you know like all ways there was drama but still fun

Ill let Zong describe… 2/10

poop involved y/n

10/10 until I got sick…

went out for a bit…

then ice bowl from 7:30am till about an hour ago.



I had fun until a little past midnight, because at midnight I decided Instead of a glass of champagne I should have the whole bottle to myself, which apparently does not mix well with lots of beer. I puked alot, and did not get laid. so I gave it a 5.

absolutely incredible night

with the new girl, dinner at O then hotel then out then hotel again. Came back here watched the game ordered takeout and hungout with her all day

I really don’t wana go back to Florida tomorrow =/

i dont even remember so it must have been somewhat good