new years

hey everyone wuts up, i just wanted to tell everyone for this new years am working with break away tours , and they planning a trip to montreal for new years sounds like its going be sick, for two night and bus ur looking around 220.00, so pm me if u want to come i do have flyers if u want one , mark

send me a flyer!! and some info.

you guys hitting up super sexe? if so i mite be interested. even tho im well over the 18 drinking age :slight_smile:
220 for hotel and ride there and back?
leave the day before? return the day after?

More info plz, I know a lot of ppl that would be interested. Do a GB :smiley:

i went last year, it was fun but i drove there because the hotel from breakaway i found it ugly lol, so me and my friends just got are own hotel, but the toor is defenitly worth it ino people that went with with the toor. i spent basicly 120 on gas, and split the hotel money with my friends that was only 100 a day. pizzas are expensive there lol 2 larges are like 50 bucks.