Newbies with Liter bikes.

Actually it’s best to weld two of those together, twice the power and very stable in turns.

There can be as many of these threads started as you’d like; nothing will changed and the same arguments will be made.

Lock 1

double post

I don’t see any deleted posts in this thread.

Thanks! Paging Hank for a new project…

And LOCK 2

I though it was, just happened to be on the next page. Internet fail.

Yeah, screw learning on a small plane and all that nonsense, I’ll start out by flying a 747 so I don’t have to re-learn later. Ah what the F, gimme an F16 I have no time for small game.

No reason to buy a liter as a first bike other than bragging rights.

“Hey, I’ll spend more money, buy a machine that’s harder to control and will make DAMN sure I don’t use that throttle and take it easy”. :banghead

Irishwerd00 started on a gsxr750 because there were no more 600’s rode for a month and bought a gsxr1000 and to this day hes one of the best riders I have ridden with

Vlad cmon thats a terrible comparison, even a 250 handling to a 1000 is a hell of a lot more close then a small airplane to a 747 or F16, now you are just getting carried away!

Bingo! McCabe is def one of the best riders I have ridden with as well (although I don’t think he is even on this forum Premo lol) Some people just don’t belong on bikes it doesn’t matter what they start on!

and the worst part is all i did was give him a crash course in riding a bike lol then off to griffens we went

You guys act like I’m the only person in the world who believes that it’s a bad idea

But I’m sure ALL these people have no idea what they are talking about.

Plus the stupid instructors at Track Days or MSF course who say the same thing should just learn to how ride and man up to get a bigger bike

Just because your not the only one who thinks its a bad idea doesn’t mean you are right.

agreed some people dont belong on bikes period bikes take respect and self control and learning to ride within your abilities granted I wouldnt put my g/f who has never rode anything on a liter bike but I am confident after I taught her on a 600 I know she would handle a 1000 with no problem

All the years here I have yet to hear a good argument against starting on a small bike. Examples of guys staring big, sure, heard those, but no arguments.
Pointless topic, ride whatever the hell you want.
I wish they sold busas cheap so all the Darwin candidates would just get those and stop driving up the prices for insurance on 600s.

What about the MSF/Track instructors who teach people how to ride having the same viewpoint?

Don’t forget, and you know this damn well that just about EVERY motorcycle community will agree with my view point, that starting on a liter is stupid.

maybe its a bad idea for you but not for another

Yeah riding without a helmet is a great idea too.

There are plenty of people that ride without them and survived.

Must be a fantastic idea.

I’ll go start a new trend.

Street racing is genius too, I see people do it all the time and don’t die, where is the harm?

Ooooh let’s not forget drugs.

Plenty of people alive after doing them, where do I sign up.

Now you are comparing stupidity with choice of bike! I myself would never ride without a helmet but there are still states that don’t require it, thats a majority vote for that so obviously there are a lot of people who think its ok just like you think people shouldn’t start on a liter bike, to each his own Vlad.

Makes no sense, for instance you know McCabe, he is like 6’4, him on a 250 or 600 is not a comfortable bike for him, so you are saying that its better for him to ride a bike that he is completely uncomfortable riding on then getting a 1000 because it suits his body size more?

I suppose to ride a busa you’d need to be about Shaq-sized then.
This is getting silly.