Wife’s '05 GP. Every time you start the car with the HVAC turned on, the A/C is turned on even if it was turned off when you turn the car off. Doesn’t matter if it is set to auto temp or manual. Does anyone else’s do that?
my AC light is only on when im set to max and the temp is lower than half…
i can ask around? or try clubGP. there’s not many newer GP people on here.
i wanna figure how to keep my dumb ass traction control off
Pull the fuse numbnutz:doh:
I would try the 04+ forum on ClubGP.com
i was thinking i could do it with a tech 2… id like to have it still work, just not turn itself on every time i start the car
X2…it is a pain in the ass when you are driving in the snow
is it optioned to turn on the HVAC pending on inside temp… because a guy at work has a new SUV that automatically turns on the heat if the temp inside is too cold, vice versa with the A/C
You mean an automatic thermostat, where you just set the temp? If so, yes. But it still does it even in manual mode.
I should probably have the dealer check but it’s always a nuisance taking a car in.
i know it’s a drive for ya, but arnie palmers in latrobe is a great place. we took the trailblazer there.
i would check clubGP. or from what i remember, there used to be some guys who used to always take their gp’s down loews aat the waterfront every weekend, but they were mostly the older style, but they might know. my brother has a 06 gp, and i played around with his a/c, and it does the same thibg. from what i remember, my 99 never did that.
blk, if your serious about the trac light thing I definitely know where to find out how to do that. I just need another time to look for it
oh yeah, victor has an 04+