I’ll spare everyone with the boring details of the sign restoration i’ve been doing but here is the final fruits of my labor. It needs a bracket to triangulate and stabilize it side to side but other than that i’m thrilled with it. It’s wired in to the small string of shop lights inside, so it’ll only be on when i’m out there working.

It’s BRIGHT!!!

all you need now is a bigger shop!
I know where your shop is and am totally driving by tomorrow to permanently confiscate that :excited
Awesome find Wayne! Looks mint too.
I’ve had it for like 6 months now… I just finished restoring it.
When I got it…

All restored. New stainless hardware, ballast, bulbs, wiring etc. Painted Alpine Green (not fucking blue woody you colorblind fuck) fabbed up all the hangers and the awning above it in the first set of pics.

been paying attention on facebook to this, looks great.
Definitely nice job, sir!
Its like the north star of faggotry, always in the same place and bright as fuck!
Thanks guys!!! It’s one less project laying around the shop… Once I get the sticks in jimmy i’m gonna put in that new air compressor and then start on big hoss.
I have the biggest sweat pants boner right now over that sign.
Srs question. If an old man offered a mint surpluss of detroit paraphernalia for actual intercourse (as in butt sex, your pitchin and probably catching a time or two) would you do it?
I can see the sign from my shop as it reflected off the moon last night.