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Its a work in progress… you could have easily chosen to NOT have it at the show but you didn’t because you wanted to show the build up process…


its good to give a car exposure BEFORE and AFTER it is complete to show a comparison.

Seems to me RB owners and their friends are a bunch off jerkoffs. :roll:

I’ll stick with my 4cyl turbo thank you very much.

Quote: Sasha

“dont get ur panties in a twist. he said its non running he didnt say its a peice of shit, or that these fags cant even get the car running.”

It may not be on this tread but it’s on the other one…

Dont worry Marc… the guy cant even get it to run…[/quote]

So… what would you do???

See what I mean by a bunch of kids… Great moderators on this site eh! :lol:


Moderation at its finest. Don’t test.

I saw the hachi and s13 at the shop when I went to go pickup parts, they look really nice. The turbo setup on that 86 is hella clean, along with the chassis and the engine buildup. That rb s13 looks like its going to be real potent.

Turbo_4ag did you used to drive an '02 body style civic, red, turbo charged??

Dont worry Marc… the guy cant even get it to run…[/quote]

So… what would you do???[/quote]

I would touch bob in hopes that he gets less angry towards the world

Dont worry Marc… the guy cant even get it to run…[/quote]

So… what would you do???[/quote]

I would touch bob in hopes that he gets less angry towards the world[/quote]

I tried, it didn’t work.

Maybe you will have better luck.

What if we both touch him at the same time?

Yeah I used to have a 2001 civic Turbo (Red) why?

Just wondering.

Any pics of the s13 with the RB ??

wow this thread is friggin full of a lot of hard parkin

Oh yeah because I’m so sure you are out drifting your ass off right now right Jesse?

It’s winter, hard parking is allowed.

From the couple vids Jesse’s sent me, I think he’s a pretty good drifter. :dunno:

A hell of a lot better then me for sure. :hsugh:

That wasn’t my point now was it?

Thanks for the imput…

We drove both GT-R’s home last night… rather briskly… just because I didn’t take video footage, doesnt mean we don’t drive…

i like to touch hard things while parked, does that make me a hard parker?

It makes you my new girlfriend.

oh shit. THats really not what I wanted.

runs trips screams for help