NFC East: Eagles vs Giants

Eagles defense was horrible, yet they somehow pulled it off. 500+ yards is unacceptable. For ANY team. Shawn McDermott should be embarassed after that. If it wasent for DeShaun Jackson’s punt return for a TD, the Eagles would of lost that game. Either way, great game.

manningham needs route running lessons and ballet lessons to work on his footwork… 2 TD’s called back because of that shit.

Yes, I’d admit to that. :slight_smile:

I think Giants played worse on D.

But, consider a few small plays: Eli’s weird slide, Jacobs fumble, that fumble that was really a live ball… The score could be a near “blowout” but you consider that wasn’t really the case… Just a few plays can change it all.

No shit. My boy Collins made a nice observation. If he went to the inside, then he could have brought it back out to the corner and have much more real estate.

I agree on the great game part, as pissed as i am, that was a fun game to watch.

I don’t wanna talk about it. :facepalm

OMG DO WANT… But a rag.

Buffalo Bills are the only legit NY team.

That’s funny given both the Giants/Jets/Buffalo have accomplished more in the last 10-15 years. :lol

im happy. the eagles are my team. A win is a win, whether the team puts up a lot of points or not. The eagles do have a good defense, but everyone has an off night, and its nice to pull in a win on bad defense. I think its a huge win for the eagles

What? Buffalo itself is a shithole, and I’m not even talking about how much the Bills suck ass.

What I was saying for you NY supporters is that the Bills are the only actual NY Team. The shitty jets and Giants belong to that shit hole we call New Jersey.

I know man, WTF is that about! Still, I hate Buffalo more than Jersey, at least NJ has Wildwood! :rofl

You like a team from Texas, your probably a Yankee fan too arent ya?

the gmen arnt out of it yet.

great game but damn them fucking eagals!!!

Ok but they haven’t always played in NJ, they used to play in the old Yankees Stadium but were tearing up the field too much and had to renovate the Stadium so they built the stadium in NJ (which I have no clue as to why) so they started as a NY team.

More than likely. My moms a Cowboys fan…and a Yankee fan too. Typical american sellout. :lol

Negative not huge into baseball. I do follow the Angels and Marlins though. I despise the Yankees and the RedSox

Buff is really CA and Jets/Giants are in NJ because Manhattan is Manhattan. Shit, even the Mets are not really in NY but on an island.