NFL looking to BAN.......

Go Sabres!


This made me LOL. It reminded me how a few years ago I went to a bisons game and they sucked dick and I was yelling go Sabers all pumped up for the up coming Hockey season. :wiggle:

The nfl needs to worry about more important things like fixing the overtime system so undeserving teams don’t waltz right in. Maybe they could also penalize assholes in fumble scrums so there isn’t 15 minutes of possesion changes.

^ What, you don’t think overtime should basically be decided by a coin toss?

Concussions are a big deal. I don’t think they’ll go to this length to prevent them, but something must be done.

And is this town really that full of losers that they sweat a team that has never won a championship year round?

If they did a best 3 out of 5 coin tosses maybe!


this is fucking stupid i can understand offensive lineman but defensive lineman? doesnt make sense i never liked goodell

To the OT guy:

ugh sickening! Such an obviously shitty rule.

How else do you rush the passer if you’re a lineman?

low man wins, you go in the direction your head is, how often is it lineman getting concussions anyway? Most of the time its ankles injuries and knees, and guys standing up is going to cause more “pancaking”.

Lowering your head to tackle and helmet to helmet open field tackles seem to cause concussions more than anything, and also a lot of yards after first contact.