Diddnt see any football threads. Whats everyones favorite team, and who do you think is going where??

Broncos/Steelers… dont really care where they go. they NFL is stale.

We have a weekly NFL thread the pops up and an ongoing college thread somewhere around this place.

I agree though, the NFL is stale. I do think its nice to see a little bit of a changing of the guards with the dominate teams though.


Yes! Turkey Day extraordinaires!!

Packers. Tennessee is still killing it though. I thought Dallas would do better than what they are.

too many rule changes in the last 5 years to protect offensive players. I hate the horse collar rule, i hate the tuck rule, i hate defenseless reciever rule. You risk injury for all those millions…seems like a fair trade off.


cheerleaders, don’t care what is on the jersey.

u hate all that,but like chipped ham?

I think the horse collar rule is a good rule! If you have never been horse collared then its hard to understand, Its a wicked wicked way to be brought down when your running full speed. I like that all face mask penalties are 15yds too, that’s another nasty way to be tackled. I’m indifferent on the defenseless receiver rule but that is a nasty way to get hit.

The rule change I hate is that play clock rule in college football that mimics the NFL rule. The tuck rule is pretty shitty too.

its also sucks to get destroyed coming across the middle…should they outlaw that too? i feel if you choose to wear a jersey so tight that a player cant grab it…being taken down by ur pads should be free game.

[QUOTE=OLDS ROCKETMAN;733848]its also sucks to get destroyed coming across the middle…should they outlaw that too?

I agree. They get payed enough, and they know what coming when they step out on the feild. I agree with the face masking penalty though.

If they changed the unnecessary roughness (when a receiver is defenseless ) penalty then how many passes do you think any receiver will catch? They would be able to tee off on any reciever they wanted when the ball was about to be caught. I do agree that a lot of the rules take the aggressiveness out of the game but I think the defenseless reciever is needed. I think the helmet to helmet contact is shitty. They also need to change the rules that protect the QB like they do or give them the pink jerseys.

someone said on one of the games i was watching. about troy leading with this head. well then what is he suppose to lead with his head?

defensless receiver is BS but the horsecollar and facemask i believe are needed.

A proper form tackle is head across the body, club then wrap the arms, drive the feet to the ground. Leading with the helmet means you use your helmet to make the initial contact and not your shoulder.

i understood what was meant by leading with the head and i know your not suppose to do it. but i just say there should be more leading with the feet. then i would watch more then just steeler games or monday night games:stick:

its ticky tacky, and yes that a true football term like holding. lol

just like everything else, the NFL is turning into a giant bunch of whiney vaginas.