NHL '07 (EA Version)

so whats the verdict for you ps2 guys? how EA’s ? should i be buying it? lol

for the people who got it today…

where did you go to buy it?

newsgroups :slight_smile:

thank god. I saw Lindy Ruff with a hat or jersey or something on the news the other day, and they look even worse as a uniform than the slug itself does. This will put us in the history books of worst jerseys ever.

target pulled some bs saying shipment got delayed and they won’t have it till tomorrow

so i walked over to best buy and they’ve got maybe 10 for xbox, 10 for ps2, and 20 or so for xbox360…guy there said some of the EA trucks got delayed and most places didn’t have them yet…

controls are weird as fuck, but thankfully they are user adjustable

4-0 in the season already…goalies are still pathetic and im racking up like 10+ goals a game on all-star

and i smoked out hasek in 5 minutes of the 1st period :stuck_out_tongue:

so whats the word on the schedule, is there any way to find out

d’oh, totally forgot to check…lemme go create another season and sim the whole thing and see what happens with next years schedule

OH, also this years version hopefully will allow you to do offseason free agent signings, since 06 kind of just skips from signing your own teams contracts to the next season (huge homoghey)…i know in past versions you could submit offers to free agents and they would be entertained for weeks until they chose which team they wanted to play for

btw, 8-0 so far…AND biron is better than miller IMHO thus far…

+1 ESPN games all had salary cap from way back when.

FUCK EAGAMES…same stupid gay schedule…

this shit is going back tomorrow, i’ll give NHL 2K7 its chance next

FWIW, in sim they predict buffalo to win the division and finish 7th in the league overall…beat tampa in the first round, lose to jersey, and have carolina win the cup again…idiots…