NHL '07 (EA Version)

Comes out tomorrow

Best purchase location - Target $29.95 and comes with a $10 target gift card

I will probably wake up early to get this tomorrow and will post a review. Most people who know me know how disappointed and pissed off I was about 06, so we’ll hope that this version will step back ahead of ESPN NHL 2K7 which also comes out tomorrow

Demands of shit to be fixed from '06

  1. a fucking random scheduler for dynasty mode instead of playing the same fucking schedule year after year after year
  2. no more wraparound = guaranteed goal…so annoying

Things I’m looking forward to

  1. salary cap…get to be a “true” gm
  2. minor league development…none of the “benched” or “active”…you can send a player to the minors to watch him develop
  3. enhanced stick control - to further embarass dom hasek over and over and over again :stuck_out_tongue:
  4. possibly the new sabres jerseys…i wish…

ohhhhhh shit, thats right it DOES come out tommorow :tup:

Definately getting this for my 360, I can’t wait!!

I can’t wait!

walmart may have it at mid-night if you wanna try and snipe everyone and get it there

EDIT: I have searched the past couple days for a torrent of this game, and there is one for PS2 on the net now. im downloading it as we speak. will work for anyone with an HD Loader

I have to wait another week for NHL 2k7 to come out, but it will be worth it

Can anyone confirm if walmart will have it available at midnight?? I’m bored and would go pick it up if I know it’ll be there :).

i called, but they dont feel like answering their phone i guess. i went with a co-worker to get madden at mid-night when it came out, but walmart knew they were going to have it. i don’t know if they will have this tonite or not nor if they know

The ESPN games have been better than EA for the past couple years. I think this was proven by EA exclusive agreement with the NFL to effectively lock out the competition from making superior games. EA = Suxor

I played a demo for each, 2k7 is super smooth but not as detaled. The new controls for 07 are pretty neat and I think will make the game better.

yay, the controls/feel of the 2k games are why I played those over the past EA games, good old time hockey

ea sports’ hockey is a joke. but not quite as big a joke as the islanders.

sorry to go OT but come on DiPietro? 15 years? $67mill? what a joke.


New jersey’s wont be in it… :frowning: It’ll have to be updated some how.

i played 2k5 espn and i hated it…i thought the dynasty portion was fucking stupid and ill-created

EA4L (unless they fuck this one up too, then i’ll switch allegiance :stuck_out_tongue: )

i mean shit, i still have EA Hockey for my genesis from back in 92 lol

I dusted off my Genesis a few weeks ago and was playing NHLPA 93 and NHL 96 (Now with one-timers). Those are some of the best hockey games around.

yeah no new jerseys…which is a good thing

the sabs didnt make EAs development cut-off

yea the new sabres jerseys are not in the game, im playing it now. wow are the controls weird

NHLPA93 with blood for injuries and goalie fights were sweet :tup:

about to pop this sucker in…i swear EA had better redeem themselves…

ea sports hates me. ask anyone

i got both for the 360.

EA did better this year, but theyre online play still sucks balls, no online leagues??? come on, graphically id say they are almost the same, ea has some better anamations and such.

2k to me is the winner out ofthe 2 from what ive played. 2k totally redid this game from last year to take advantage of the 360, better online play, skybox, more mini games, etc…