NHL 94 fans?

for all you guys playing this on emulators still… www.nhl94.com , they have some neat stuff on there for modifying rosters/graphics/teams etc haha found it pretty amusing, some guy is even making a seperate rom for every nhl season from '73-90 :stuck_out_tongue:

hot damn

I miss full ice goals!

Shit ya! I liked '93 better though…

93 is on there too, fyi :wink:

heh, no shit

:tup: I loved that game

Trying to remember what version I used to play all the time on an old IBM 286 around 1993.

wayne gretsky?

95 was my favorite, it was the first one where you could make trades and create players

I liked '93. If you hit someone really hard or beat them in a fight, they would fall to the ice kicking their legs and you’d get a nice puddle of blood, Clint Malarchuk style!!!

93 was the shit. I remember playing 20 minute periods and winning 110 to 1 by doing the same move over and over.

Ditto, I owned 94 and 96 though.

Wrap around goals… cant stop em!

Way too much fun, I was quite a fan of 93 as well. <3

i tried “nhl 91” last nite, worked perfectly, pretty cool!

they should make an nhl 1918 game lol

Holy fuck I totally forgot about the jets!

Who needs an emulator, I still have my Sega! I think I have all the NHL’s up to 97… what was the first one? Go Jets!

I thought this was a repost? Oh well, still cool.

The first one to have one-timers was my favorite.