Might as well call Bing’s meet the new Gumball Rally or something then.

alrite alrite

i confess, i cant live with this monkey on my bac any longer

i phoned you all in for street racing

I just told the cop I was on Bullrun but got lost 2 weeks ago and all these idiots started following me to Key West.

i don;t know niagra that well but one lady we passed in the nice section, i will call it didn;t look all that impressed. , that is untill justins wastegate perked her up a little lol… thanks for the awesome day bing. was my first time out , food was great, and a great bunch of guys. thanks again.

thansk shawn for not rippin her :slight_smile:

i saw one of the black s13’s from team 613 getting pulled over while leaving the no frills parking lot … anyone know what happened to him ?

^^^ticket for “Insufficient Burnout” were issued all night.

I think we need a “Pedestrian Drifting” Video. Maybe toss a few pedestrian burnouts in there as well.

i’m down to the belts on all my 9.5’s

the guy from the 613 crew was chris… but luckily with expired plates he still got let off…

we love niagara cops lol

if you were a local guy they would have burned you… but the fact that you came all the way from ottawa… that is what got you off.

Sunday nights have a loing tradition in the Falls for modified cars.

a few years ago, the first night we led a cruise with NYspeed (then UBRF) 4-5 US cars got pulled for running a stop. they told the cop they were from deep in the US and jsut came up for cruise night and got lost… they got off, all of them.

Bing, I think the club needs a lawyer on retainer now. I’m sorry I missed the meet (I was debating coming up VIP styles :slight_smile: ) but that nonsense with the first officer?

Digicam with video FTW.

Wanna borrow my 11’s? Or is there too much grip… :smiley: