Nice day for mountain biking

Got up at 7:00, ate breakfast, got all my shit together, met a buddy to ride. Sat in my car in the rain for 50 minutes & BS’d, went to McD’s for a couple breakfast burritos & hash brown, rode in the rain & froze for a whopping 2 miles. Whoo, I’m pooped from that workout.

Not a total loss though, found out I really like those burritos. :yum:

that sucks it rained… just got back from hiking and it was pretty dam nice out

Anybody else ride? I’d like to get out to Mingo sometime soon if anyone’s interested (as long as you’re not in too good of shape so I can keep up). :slight_smile:

that sounds good,explain more!

Which part, the riding or the burritos? :smiley:

Mingo Creek park near Monongahela has some nice trails to ride on. There’s some decent woods trails, some fields, kind of a mix.

i’ve got a bmx with no brakes… will that work?

i ride and i’m in horrible shape. i really like going downhill more than i like going up hill! i can show you some fast, twisty, technical, downhill single track trails in Frick park.

Never rode at Frick - sounds good.

Mountain bike eh? Kinda like a dirtbike except you have to pedal. Yeah, no thanks.

i would probally be down with that used to be pretty good raced in the fat tire tour a long time ago… now i am all fat and out of shape… oh yea riding with no suspension so nothing silly

Maybe we can have a Pittspeed bike meet.

who eats a burrito before riding a bike for miles ??? :rofl:

me and bics went to the motocross track yesterday. we figured it would be all dry but it was hardpacked dirt that was wet and it was like ice. :rolleyes: nothing like getting all our stuff together and drivin an hour only to have the track to have terrible conditions. and to top it all off i wrecked and got some pretty big scrapes on my side/ribs :crying:

lol, i was hungry! It was an easy two miles so it all stayed down.

Now the time I ate half a pack of turkey bacon before riding, I didn’t feel so great half way through. Or it could have been the giant hill that did me in.

if i had buritos it wouldve made my bad day of riding all better

yeah. we can do one of those easy ass flat and straight trails along the youghogheny river. i rode from ohiopyle to connelsville which was 17 miles in no time. Or we can hit-up the downhill stuff in frick park- lots of fun but pain in the ass going back up-hill for the next run.

that sounds good!

lets set a date. my fat ass needs exercise.

I will park my truck at the bottom and be the “ski lift” for the day

i’m up for biking, I ride at cedar creek every nice weekend with my wife and kids. I would like to get some off roading time in though, that flat trail ride by the river gets boring after a while.

yeah. you said that you cut through SQ.Hill everyday. you should bring your bike to work one day and roll up to frick park after work.