anyone know how tony's doin? (redmeaniegsr)

took a nasty spill off his bike today in west virginia riding with quik…he called jim and told him he was going to the hospital because he thought he had a bruised/broken rib. i can’t get ahold of him anyone hear anything?


:eek4: get well

:sadwavey: ya get well

he’s ok, we got him home and he is going to pay a visit for a check up just incase if something is wrong.

we met up with some other riders down in Avelia. we went 50 to 88 to some off road down in dallas pike. well the roads were tight and we approached this left hand turn the group was ahead they were dicks wouldnt wait up for one of their own. so we stay back well tony was in front of me he went to take the bend but the bend decided to be a off camber left turn. well he locked up the rear tire went into a slide well he was leaning with the bike the bike caught and flipped over launching tony. the bike then flipped on its side and busted up the fairing stay,clipon, mirror, windscreen and cracked the fairings. the frame slider saved the motor. well back to tony when he flew from the bike he bounced and flipped and rolled a few times. when i got off the bike tony was in between two trees. he got lucky there htat the didnt hit either one of the two trees. some how his legs were in the field and his head pointing at the road. jacket and helmet saved his ass. well we were about 8 miles off the dallas pike exit 11 off 70west. we were going have him ride bitch and get bike later but he wastn up for it. so I called pops and he came down with the sliverado and we loaded up the bike and tony rode to the crib with pops then i took him home and dropped off the bike. bike is completely fixable and gear saves


why the hell does WV off bank their fucking roads. PA banks their bends but WV doesnt they off bank them. which creates horrible roads to take bends with either riding abike or driving acar they just plain suck

Hope Tony’s doing better!

stay out of WV then :dunno:

Hope you’re ok tony!

we were on our way to ohio

whats the difference :rofl:

thanks guys, Im doin ok I guess. Just got back from the hospital turns out I have fractured rib. So Im down for 4-6 weeks.

Yea the bike is totally fixable and will be fixed for next season.

Just want to give a really big thank you to Quik for all the shit he did for me after I went down.

no problem man, you know i got your back

hope you’re doing alright tony!!

damn man, glad your okay

good thing u didn’t turn out like wilson…

and get this… saturday night we were at Lover’s party and got a fire police call at 2:15am for bike vs. telephone pole with fatality on bakerstown road. u bet ur ass i was in my car quicker than hell trying to get there. that… was a bad accident, which i have to say made up my mind on whether i should buy a bike or not.

i’m just glad ur not hurt too bad, i don’t want to be scraping you or any others from the crew off the road some day

glad he’s ok

tony take it easy. hope you feel better soon

Exactly one year ago today, my cousin was killed after his quad flipped. There was a telephone pole involved and a rut in the road, but we still don’t know exactly what happened.

After hearing all this, I’m even more relieved that Jeff sold the bike. Not that he was reckless, but there is just shit you have no control over.

Hope you’re better soon.

you can get hurt walking down the street. you can get hurt driving the car. so jeff selling the shouldnt have anything to do with anything.