Nice Lambo paint job



this is why some people should not get paid as much money as they do :barf:

honestly, aside from the window tint. I think it looks fucking rad.

it is a nice paint job, i just dont like that on a lambo :gotme:

i wonder if that was all done with masking or if it was airbrushed

I think it looks pretty friggen cool to tell you the truth… to each their own

I’m not a fan. But if you have the money and that’s your thing- why the fuck not?

That is pretty awesome.

forgot the side view mirrorssss

Yeah the mirrors do kinda stick out like sore thumbs. But the paintjob overall looks pretty intense. Maybe it doesn’t belong on a Lambo, and maybe it does. But I gotta appreciate the work put into it.

i kinda like it, its different

bad ass

I think it looks fucking sweet! Maybe would look better not on a car perhaps, but shit, I’d rock it.

I hate it. Those cars need a semi solid color to show off the exotic body lines.

That busy mess hides the cars shape and would the same on corvette as it does on the Lambo. Waste of a nice car IMO.

alot of nice work, for sure. but it kind of wastes the great lines of the car…

Thats what happens when you buy a white car and have an artist child who is not happy with you

i don’t even like how new lambos look anyway.


i definitely like this.


alot of nice work, for sure. but it kind of wastes the great lines of the car…



nice design…but not on a lambo