Should be the next advertisement for Sharpie

thought this was pretty unique…

Lambo is way cooler.

I feel like that guy basically copied the art style.

Copying the IDEA is not terrible, but I feel like it’s a ripoff, style-wise.

good stuff IMO.

I think something like this would look dope on a white bike.

EDIT: I agree newman, the styling is not unique… i think the “doodling” could be much better.

looks good

also, i had a new private message on bimmer forums from aug of last year hahah

Looks good. I wonder if he has to clear over it or if it’s good as-is.

Anyone would be stupid not too… it would wear off and look shitty rather quickly.

i was wondering the same thing…

definitely has to be cleared

He mentioned he didn’t prep the clear before hand…so no clear going over it, just a few coats of wax (according to his posts).

It will not hold for very long unless he is meticulous with maintenance. I give it a few months of being washed, driven, and out in the elements before it starts to fade and look SUPER shitty.

Well that’s dumb then. If you’re going to do it why not do it right?

Depends on how he deals with his car. I’ve known people who have never washed their car with water they drive it so little, and I’m talking over the past 10 years of owning it! I could see it holding up for a while given the car is stored inside, kept out of harsh elements, good coat of wax over it, etc.

In the end, he spent 12 hours on it and has some good pics. Should he ever need to duplicate it he could, with better prep work so it could be cleared.


Personally I own cars to drive them, and this would be thrashed in a few months without proper prep, but like I said… if he is meticulous than he should be OK.

I really like it, Where is this lambo with sharpie?

Found that from a quick google search.

wow some people must be really bored and really cheap… looks ok i guess but with a sharpie? at least air brush or something