Sharpie Lambo

Supposedly this was done with a Sharpie

"Every time someone sees a picture of this car they don’t know what to say and end up asking to see more pictures. So here they are for everyone to enjoy! The car was actually done in sharpie markers on the paint and then finished with a clear coat for protection. It took about 2 weeks total. Prestige (Lamborghini Miami) definitely shocked a lot of people when this car was first seen in California during the Concorso Italiano/Pebble Beach week. It attracted attention good and unfortunately bad everywhere it went. "

^Looks stupid on the windows but its pretty interesting and original. Especially if it was with a sharpie.

what a waste

I’d still drive it.

I think that looks pretty tits. (except the windows)


I like it youll never see another car like yours then

X2, and I could care less if it was done in Sharpie or not, it just looks sweet.

I’d rock it… again, not feeling the windows.

Sharpie window tint FTW…

Visibility = overrated.

looks like some stupid shit my great grandma had in the room ur not allowed to go in… dumb as fuck. fuck is wrong with Goddamn art students.

i think it would look better in person. there seems to be a lot going on that i’m having a hard time following with just pictures. but yeh, the windows are the worst part.

x2 i like it a lot! totally different and unique! and it actually looks like a good job too

Figures something as unique and original would have haters…i mean dislikes :kekegay: i think it’s cool

I think I like it…yeah i do

its cool looking

i think thats pretty sweet to be able to pull that off with sharpie markers. im not real crazy about the windows. i think it would have looked much better with plain dark tinted windows.

on second thought its kinda cool… well acctually i heard darkstar did it himself…while drunk and high and blindfolded standing on one leg…ON FIRE!!!

When I was in high school I had an 84 sunbird that was on it’s last legs. I carried around a sharpie and had people doodle write or draw whatever they wanted on it, turned out pretty cool (until people started drawing profane things on it).

i’d rock it

i’d rock it