Sharpie + Lambo = Awesome!

That is F’in cool but i should go over to it with a rag and paint thiner… lol sharpie isnt the best idea

Um, my understanding is that that is a vinyl wrap… Looking at it you can tell, for example, the gray spots and the windows.

I belive that they used a silver sharpie for the windows…

Looks too sloppy to be a vinyl wrap…

Take another look at the window:

definitely a wrap. You can have a wrap that was originally done with a marker or pencil. Example:

i stil think that is pretty kool

Yea, still cool. But not some guy with a sharpie drawing on a car.

One more pic, you can see the edges of the vinyl around the emblem.

I think it’s dumb actually…why ruin a Lambo by doing that?..Cool he has good art skills, but why show it on a Lambo?

and Mafdark…It could be a vinyl covering the car so it’s not actually on the paint, and he drew on the vinyl :ponder

Im doing that to my next beater car… Who wants in? lol

I’m down! I’ll bring some sharpies for the cause!

you should start a shift518 sign a car event.

everyone can write on it what ever they want…

Like sean (91teg) worte a million things on my neon (LONG time ago) including a guy jerking off on the passenger side door, hanging out the window at 65mph with a sharpie…

somebody with more time on their hands than me