Ninety1two40's 240sx

If you provide alcohol I have nothing planned for sunday. I will assist. If you dont have my number Benny does or pm me

Thanks but I’m driving to Syracuse Sunday to pick up a Silvia fender. I should have the rear subframe swapped over before than.

And not to offend anyone but I only let a few select people work on my car, I have to see them work on their car before I let them work on mine :lol

good man dude! if i had a choice i wouldn’t let me touch my car either!

I may be able to lend a hand if you need, shoot me a text

Don’t let him work on your car if you know what’s good for you

:lol If you need help Wayne I’ll be glad to help welding the caddy, I don’t clean the metal before I weld though (just a fair warning) :rofl

and don’t let him drive yours if you know what’s good for you

lol i noticed! :hug

Oh SNAP :rofl :rofl :rofl

If I can get S13 engine/tranny/coilovers cheap I’ll get the other 240 going and other people can drift it if they want.

you mean like me ! :slight_smile:


lol I still have my welded diff if you want it for the drift machine…

Thanks but I already have a spare welded :excited

A spare?

you have like 6 in your trunk dude. :bowdown

Hank has those now! Hopefully I’ll get one good one out of the deal!

lol i guess it goes with the shell

^I can haz shell?

Did werk today:

Swapped front suspensions
Swapped rear subframes
Dropped both gas tanks
Removed all gas/brake lines

Should have the motor ready to drop in Monday/Tuesday sometime.

Damn it’s a lot of work when working on both cars the sametime!