
exactly what they want you to say.

They want me to say there is a “team of Carvers”


I’m gonna buy season 1 and 2?

just rent season 1 and 2… if you bring it back the next day you get $1 back… or pull dem from da net.

tune in everyone :slight_smile:

I’ll catch the 11pm :tup:


:word: lol

was a good one

if it was another fucking dream i was going ot break the controller over maria’s head.

damn that biotch is teh hottness…

BTW - Def PWNED… I called it though. :stuck_out_tongue:


tune in peoples!


Nothing shocking there… and next week looks just as pointless.


Rent the movie Starship Troopers 2 - you get to see Kelly Carlson (Kimber) totally naked…Full Frontal nudity!!!:tup: :smiley:

if anyone coughjoshcough, dvred this and can upload this let me know, I was at work late and my g/fs dish doesnt get F/X

or if you know when its on again

it will be on Sunday night. not sure what time.

Spence - Thanks for the heads up, when I return Knights of Heaven I will be picking that up. Unless someone can find the clip… I think she is uber hott, and I want to make sure her nips are perfect before I start stalking her.

My Favorite Pic Of Her!!! Enjoy

Here’s a link to my picture archive…I have a collage pic of her naked from starship troopers 2!!!


another pic…



shes so hot :tup:

Here’s a video scene of Kelly Carlson with her top off from Starship Troopers 2…A little dark…Enjoy!!!—Starship-Troopers-294

gotta go home to watch that… :tspry:

good vid :tup: kelly is the hotness