
Hey Jack…where are you. You must have rented the movie and are to busy to respond:rolljerk: I understand. Been there. Hope you enjoy the flick dude. Later.

just got home… was eatin some fried chicken

it crashed my IE like 3 times…



LOL! back to watchin the sabres!:tup:

wut did everyone think?

glad you bumped this…

I thought it was :tif:

next week looks good…

but this week was like a filler, like last week… hopefully something good happens.

Seems like the storyline isn’t going anywhere… looks like the moved away from the carver, and are focusing on Shawn’s home life, and Christian becoming human.

yea next week looks real good, yea its like everything is just a focus on someone or another now… im sure it will all tie together in the end somehow… next week is gonna be tits! :tup:

next week… gay fucking micheal jackson looking mother fucker faggot Matt comes back. I hate him. of course you saw the surgeon and the ex gettin it on.

I didn’t realize the witness… with the face job… now looks like the ex.

yea indeed i cant stand him either :rofl:

yea and kimber wants to marry me… screw christian :lol:

FUCK I missed it again, fucking school project FUCK!!!

sunday night home boy.

joe dvr’d it for me :slight_smile: we watched it after i left gregs… this week wasnt awesome… but next week looks AMAZING!!!

you should have fixed his sig while you were logged in.




next week looks goooooooooooooooooooooooooood

hell yea it does :tup:

this week wasn’t horrible… but next week look killAr… literally!!!

:bump: for 2nite

OT: could this thread be moved to the lifestyles section?


cant talk to jack anymore during the day :frowning:

if anyone else watches it chime in… awesome episode :tup:, hes back!! cant wait till the upcoming episode