





what a crazy mother fucker rofl

EDIT: there is gonna be some sick twist… i just got a feeling lol




wow i didnt think it was both quintin and kit…

awesome season with a great finale



Pretty gay if you ask me. No motive (pre-quintin/kit)

I was pretty let down… they could have written that in in the last 5 minutes of the show, cause it needs no explanation. Pretty crappy season towards the end… unfortunately I’m no longer looking forward to next season.


Yeah kinda WTF. Although, they did have everyone guessing and counting out the 2 people who were involved…

and now matt is an acomplice in a murder, and a pecker chopper… oh oh… and a fag.

It’s not like he hasn’t been there before - remember season 1 they ran over that girl and she almost died. The fag part… well its not like you haven’t been there before…


cant wait for the season premiere tomorrow :tup:!!!

just set the dvr



DVR is set here as well.

I really hope that someone can upload this, i was busy taking out a pos jeep tranny.

when do they replay the episodes sunday nights still?

I really sick of the path this show is taking.

Every season its get more and more fucked up.

And its getting stupid.

the carver was badass

until who they revealed it to be…and why…and what was wrong with him…

i watched only one episode of this show, last seasons finale.

i will watch last nights episode tonight.

well that was stupid.

matt becoming a neo nazi was stupid

sean having problems with julie.

matt being christians son.

now christians gay.

i love that the season premier started with christian banging a mother/daughter combo. sweet.


The previews for the rest of the season looked good.

I’m glad the Carver thing is over.

Christian isn’t a homo.

They should abort the kid. Shawn should slap that bitch.

That black chick is hot.