
lol @ cock statue and mother/daughter bang.

mother + daughter hookup FTW

interesting organ donor twist.

cant wait!

LMFAO… omfg that was great



good stuff. I got a boner when those guys were in the shower, and the wife totally busted me


bump for 2nite

it was sweet. I LOVE DVR’ing this shit… RWD, FF through commercials…

fucking sweet.

I knew she was a kidney theif… i fucking knew it!

I think Christian is gonna turn ghey sometime this season

I just watched that show for the first time last night…it was pretty interesting. is Rosie always on the show or just that one episode? i’m not a huge fan of hers LOL

just for that episode

I’m going to rewatch the daughter/step father akshun…

get the easy one out early tonight.

ROFL that crazy bitch monica got owned

^ I wasnt expecting that

Sean has some serious mental problems, I can’t wait til Christian comes out of the closet

Nip/tuck ownz me


damn missed this last nite… can’t… read… thread… until episode has been viewed!!.. it’s a struggle not to!

Good episode last night, Sean should have told Julia, whoops the nanny got smooshed outside my office today. oh well guess its back to the midget.

the midge is going to dress up like Julia and breast feed with his little midget mammories


Awake this from the dead… I posted up my thoughts on season 5 ep. 1.

Don’t like it!

Not enough drama…

anyone else see it last night?

Not enough drama?.. Its the first show and christian already banged a chick and people are getting thier skin ripped off ha Trust me its going to get good