Nissan Consult

Hey guys,

I just picked up a Nissan Consult to serial cable. I’ve never used one before, and I can’t seem to get it to connect with the DataScan software. There were no instructions with the cable. Can anyone give me any insight on how to connect this thing?

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks alot.

Anyone? :frowning: I’ve tried several softwares. I can’t get any of them to connect.

hah… jake you need to respond to my msn msgs, i have this from few months back… do you have the usb or serial port version? You need to select the right COM port in the application.

Also datascan you need a legit license for the full features. One of the days im in oakville i can transfer over all the apps i have on my ghetto p2 laptop to your thing and you can fiddle with them. I have the USB version.

Still no luck… Someones got to have used one of these before. Ive tried three different PC’s both using serial, and usb adapters. I’ve tried multiple software. I am using the right COM port. I’ve even returned the unit for another one. There must be something I’m doing wrong. The softwares are saying they can’t connect of find the ECU. I’m beginning to wonder if theres something wrong with the car.

Heres the cable I bought:

Theres an LED indicator on face of the unit. I’m not sure when it’s supposed to light up, or what its purpose is. Doesn’t light up at all whether it’s plugged into the car with ignition on, or to a computer. Does anyone know what its for? I would assume it lights up when it’s connected.

hmm well mine was just plug and play and chosing com port. All I did was plug in one end to consult and other to usb on laptop. You had to install a driver though… which came on the cd. Then the usb port was detected as a serial port and ud pick the com port which was like com6 or something cant recall now honestly.

In the software i used (one of many) i said find ecu or auto detect ecu and it did its thing found the address and voila… the functions became available. Similarly same thing with the other apps.

which one is that? where did you get it from

doesnt look anything like the blaZt cable im familiar with

ya i got the blazt myself…

I’m not sure which one this is. It just says Nissan Consult on the cable. The cable didn’t come with a serial-to-USB adapter, so I bought one from the source. The adapter came with a cd and driver. I installed that driver, it comes up in my device list as COM 9. My computer recognizes that it’s plugged in and I’m able to select COM 9 in the software but it cant find the ECU. Any other ideas? Would anyone be willing to take a look?

datascan works with the blaZt cable

the software may not be compatible with yours? i dunno

again, where did you get the cable??

hey man i got the same cable as you and i was just going to try it yesturday and my laptop blew up before i could connect it. im gunna try it again tomorrow with my dads lap top and ill let u know ne info. did u check ur consult port for power and ground?

If you’ve done a motor swap and are now running a CA or SR engine then you will need to wire up the diagnostic port in order to receive the signal from the ECU.

If everything is 100% stock then no idea.

^^^ good point

Yep it’s 100% stock. Haven’t swapped the engine.

Lummer let me know how it goes for you. I checked the power and ground yesterday. Ground is good. Power was reading 10V, should be 12V right? I thought that was odd. Perhaps it could have something to do with that?

izzy u got just a stock KA right? i believe the 89 and 90 didnt even come wtih a consult port. so im guessing urs is newer then that… if i can get my laptop goin im gunna do it now and ill let u know… and yah… should be battery voltage 12.6v maybe with a small voltage drop over the circuit. 10v seems kinda low

Yep its a 1992 KA24DE. Completely stock. I’ll check the voltage again. Yea keep me posted. Thanks alot.

mine worked perfect. its just a free trial version but hey it loaded and i checked my DTCs and was watching my data at idle. i sent u an email with my program… try that one and go from there

I got that software with mine but it wouldnt work. I jumped the power the battery. Now the LED is lghting up and flashing. Still not connecting though. Did you use a USB adapter or are you using the serial port? Maybe the adapter isnt compatible?

I’m using the serial port right now. Once I get my new laptop I’ll use the USB adapter for it. If u wanna try using mine one day we can.

Yea that would be good. Any idea as to what would cause the voltage drop?

yah tried with the usb adapter and it doesnt work. cant use the adapter with this thing. shitty deal