Nissan develops "self-healing paint"

in before people start sueing nissan because they hit a tree and their paint didnt heal

audi just uses pimp shit galvanizing thats tough as nails … you have to do something more then chip paint to damage it … even audis that get rammed into cars trees, bridges ditches ect in the middle of winter and continue to get driven for a month or more b4 the repairs dont rust except for spots where the contact between items would have sanded the galv off

Exactly my thought. What keeps the paint from dripping off on a really hot day?

LOL this will be the true test

this thread’s fucking hilarious

i wonder when this will be available in touchup cans and as DIY kits for at-home applications…i would love to have this put on my car once i get it repainted…

perfect for black cars cus they have so many swirlies when you don’t wash it right

Very interesting. I’ll be interested to see how much this ends up costing when you need to get said car repainted. Of all the companies that needed this, it was Nissan, they paint blows anyway.

I’m wondering if the class-action lawsuit about their crappy paint had something to do with this new concept.

Exactly… Ask me how I know… :roll:


I am betting its gonna cost fuckload of cash.

^^ why, i bet it is just some sort of polymer blend clearcoat allowing it to be more plyable… it doesn’t really mean it is expensive. I know our nanotech company talked about working on something like this before, we are actually using a similar coating in other applications that I can’t really mention :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: actually after reading this more closely, and looking at that background info this is very very similar to something we work with, it definitly is possible and is not that much more expensive, its just a different approach.

Why, Chino, do they offer internships for chemistry crazed students such as myself? :slight_smile:

nah, pretty much MS and PHd now only :meh:

Bump, you’ll soon be able to buy an iPhone case with this tech:

need more comments like this again. LOL

Zombie quote…


I see this paint ending up like old glass after a while, much thicker at the bottom than it is at the top.

Cars with this would be 7 years old now. Anyone see any scratch free 7yr old Nissan’s around?

I don’t think anyone cares enough to look