Nissan G35 Skyline?

Ok, so I was driving to work Thursday morning and saw this stopped at the lights in front of me. Unfortunately, all I had was my cell phone so the picture quality is a little lacking. However, hopefully you can see enough to be as confused as I was.

Ok, so if you can’t tell, the car is a G35 sedan. No question about it. Except that it has a big fat Nissan logo on the trunk instead of the Infiniti logo. Ok, some people change logos for whatever reason, no problem. A little weird, but whatever. But right underneath the Nissan logo was the word “S K Y L I N E”. It’s hard to see in the picture, but it’s there. None of the Sklines I’ve ever seen look like a G35.

Unfortunately due to the lousy picture, you can’t see what’s under the taillights, but there were additional emblems under both of them. Just underneath the driver-side taillight there was a “nismO” emblem, and under the passenger-side light there was “350GT”. None of these were stickers - they were all separate plastic/metal add-ons.

I thought it might be some kind of weird import, but it was a left-drive so chances were slim. Oh, and there was also a Nissan emblem on the front grill too (where the Infinity one would be). Anyone ever seen anything like this?

its called stickers from chinatown… or maybe he went to get the actual ones from Nissan in HK or something, saw one in vancouver with nissan emblems but the steering wheel had the infinity symbol on it. :roll:
…like this BS

WOW!!! U FTL. Look stuff up GOOGLE is your friend.

i think i saw the same one a few months back in riverbend.

Well I’ll be damned.

Meh, we actually have a G35 coupe in for service at the moment that someone has put the skyline badges on. Kind of pointless if you ask me, but not everyone likes the same stuff. :slight_smile:

Yep…seen this tard-ness before. There’s a member of the Z Club who drives a G35x as a DD and tells everyone he drives a “Skyline”. :roll: Whoopdy-fuckin-doo.

S’cuse me while I scratch out the ‘300ZX’ on my rear center panel so I can write “FAIRLADY” with a paint marker. :rofl

See it all the time, some people like to re-badge their cars to their original name and some don’t so whatever really, if I had the money and had a G35 and I had nothing better to spend it on (other than performance) I would re-badge it back to it’s original name…then again whatever floats your boat right?

No that’s just as gay as calling a 240 with an SR20 a 180SX or Silvia.

I wanna badge my Spec V up to say Sentra GXE 1.8s

I have a 350GT emblem on my G35 I will have to go take it off its that offensive to you guys. :stuck_out_tongue:
