Nissan Parts on Yahoo Japan

Here is a link provided to me by my contact in Japan (he helped me get my GTR) to Nissan Parts on Yahoo Japan (generally silvia and skyline parts).

Link removed by moderator.

On this page are more links to the following categories:
Engines, Turbo chargers & Cooling system
Clutches, Transmissions & Diffs
Tower bars & Roll bars
Mufflers & Air cleaners
Lights & Lamps
Exterior & Spoilers
Meters & Gauges
Electric parts
Once on the category of your choice, on your browser, do the right click, translate to English thing and you will be able to get the gist of the item description. Sill Beer is Silvia :lol:

I do not recommend you contact the seller or try to purchase yourself…too much potential for translation problems. Instead, I recommend you PM me and I can put you in touch with my contact, Takaomi, in Japan. I will do this the first time and then you can contact him directly whenever you want from then on. The reason I am doing this is so he isn’t contacted by people not serious about purchasing and are just window shopping.

You can also contact “Taka” and ask him to source parts for you if you don’t find what you are looking for.



another option is , adam is a great guy living there married and teaching english at a school.

you can also find martin sky of sky services spl.

"I do not recommend you contact the seller or try to purchase yourself…too much potential for translation problems. Instead, I recommend you PM me and I can put you in touch with my contact, Takaomi, in Japan. I will do this the first time and then you can contact him directly whenever you want from then on. The reason I am doing this is so he isn’t contacted by people not serious about purchasing and are just window shopping. "

i like this part the best…

so does this guy do only parts or how does he go upon shipping stuff over?? i.e. conatiner, back of cars??

also another way to search yahoo japan very easily is go to

then type in the website to be translated

and from there on out its easy! when u are looking at cars they sometime smees the names up so a silvia is called a sill beer u just need to use common sense and u can figure it out!

I installed the Google toolbar. All I have to do is right click on a page and go “Translate” Works like a charm :smiley:

k noobs…no parts for u…its more complicated than that

very much so!

just point and click it is as easy as Ebay …just swipe the credit card here and comes right to your door in a week or two… “cough”


so does this guy do only parts or how does he go upon shipping stuff over?? i.e. conatiner, back of cars??

also another way to search yahoo japan very easily is go to

then type in the website to be translated

and from there on out its easy! when u are looking at cars they sometime smees the names up so a silvia is called a sill beer u just need to use common sense and u can figure it out![/quote]

Depends on what you want. For small things he sends them courier right to your door. If you want a complete front clip that obviously can’t be dropped off by the UPS guy.

Clips are normally sent in a container but obviously only one clip in a container by itself makes for a pretty expensive clip so some common sense is in order.

so i want to know about this guy…does he just do parts, or whats the deal with him?
if i was to spend 20,000 bucks on stuff would he pack the container or wut? i have been looking at doing a big parts grab but my buddy in japan just isnt about containers anymore…but yeah if u could enlighten me i would appreciate it.

PM me

Takaomi (Taka) is an exporter. He got me my GTR and I have helped other people import their cars using Taka as the exporter. For those of you who have seen my car (at DTP in Calgary) I’m sure you will agree that he is reliable.

His core business is exporting cars however he has sent me a variety of parts either sourced quickly from Nissan directly or from private sellers of used or new parts, e.g., Yahoo Japan.

I have become friends with him so in casual conversation I mentioned that I belonged to NECC. I told him about all the Silvia conversions, etc. He is a drift lover himself! The conversation eventually concluded with him saying something like this, “if anyone wants any parts, they can check things out on this web page I’ve created (see initial post in this thread) and I will get the parts for them”. He also mentioned that if we could get our act together as a club he would fill a container for us with clips but I didn’t discuss the clips further because I wanted to see if it was realistic for our club members to fill a container. If only one or two want to do it, it makes shipping difficult as a container is not a realistic option for such a small order.

So, what is in it for Dave? Well, I am a firm believer in Karma so I want to do something good for the club as I get good things from the club in return…like this forum. With that in mind, I will only pass on Taka’s contact information to paid NECC members so it is my way of supporting the club.

I’m sorry, until he is a paid sponsor of the club I cant let him have you advertise for him here. If he would like to sponsor the club, please PM me or have him contact me.