Yahoo Japan

Has anyone bought parts off of yahoo japan or know how or know lets say a company/person that will buy parts off of yahoo japan for some one (me)?

I have but I havent got my parts yet. A freind of a freind got it for me I bought a Power FC D-jetro brand new for $570 shipped the deals on there are crazy…

deals yes , but takes soo long for anything to get to your door and you have to have someone in japan who can do all the leg work for you …its tough but worth it in the end

if your looking for someone to get you parts, feast auto export is a good place to order your parts

yes feast would be best for that … Adam is mighty helpful

why do you need someone to do all the “leg” work? and what do you mean by that?

answer your emails to bid
bid on auction
contact seller for questions
send money to seller
receive items
package and send them in the mail to canada
recieve money from buyer in canada

lots of work especialy when it is alot of little items and keeping track

stupid language barrier, i didn’t even think of any of that

that as well …someone who can communicate for you as well as with the sellers and make things easy …its alot of work …almost too much at times when you buy 20-30 items a week for instance …even if you did that yourself on ebay it would be a ton of work without paypal which they dont have in japan

dont forget to have a yahoo Japan account you need a Japanese credit card and have a buisness to do so. Aswell as everyone recieves money differently and can be a bitch. I strongly recomend Adam from feast aswell. I tried to do it but never again. I actually lost money from parts getting stollen in Japan so I just said forget it. Only way I do parts is if I buy a bunch of cars, cut them up and send them out in a 20 foot box. Even the crate shipping we tried wasnt worth the time and effort at all. Last time I have a welder in my suitcase. Carring 200lbs on my back through tokyo station and hopping trains wasnt fun either lol.

yeah you are right Allen it sucks … it seems so easy but it isnt which I have realized over the last few years …

space as well is a problem when you accumilate a large amount of parts or wheels waiting to send out … not many people have much more than an apartment to fit their lives into much less all of your yahoo crap …

adam@feast will help anyone out and is the best way to go