No Destinctive Plate/Insecure/Dirty Ticket?

You know, people don’t get hired at McDonalds for Facebook photos, how is this guy a trooper? Tell me with a photo like this, no one saw this coming.

If he is suspended. can’t you enter a plea of not guilty and when he does not show up for court it will get dismissed? or is that just buffalo

Maybe if it wasn’t from 2007



Sorry, couldn’t read past “seen him”.

You probably deserved it.


lol @ just saw pics and realized thread was from '07, wtf

Gangsta… you’re doing it wrong.

PS… love the wallpaper.

Hahaaa, great bump JayS. Unbelievable.

I’m impressed you remembered this one JayS

It was a hunch. The article said State Trooper based in Buffalo and I wondered if someone had ever had a run in with him. “Titus” as a search term doesn’t bring back a whole lot of threads. :slight_smile:

Awesome bump, what a ghetto piece of shit montaro, to be baller you need da rust son

LMFAO!!! Nickname Bags of tickets?

this is full of win.

because hookers.

impressive bump. lol

I have a ticket from him from last year sitting on my desk. He pulled me over for 80 in a 55, then marked it down to a plate ticket. I thought he was pretty cool.

How much was he paying you for the sex though?

I was having a crappy day, but this thread (more importantly the bump) made it better.