No longer able to delete posts?

Seems like you can’t delete posts anymore since the forum update.

Can someone chime in?

Yeas and you can only edit them within a certain time frame… not sure if that was the same as before or not.

The ability to delete has been removed, and the post edit time is set to 20 minutes. If you need something edited or deleted, just submit a help desk ticket and someone will do it for you. That or you could just PM me. Either way I get a message on my phone and do what I can right away.

Hey can someone clarify on using the search properly, i dont know if im not using it right or it doesnt work, gives no results. Cant find old threads in the FS section, sorry the the jackthread Fobwall.

search is working for me but i havent looked too far back…

Fobs, correct me i am wrong but we had delete and edit restrictions on the old SON too? or was that more speciifcally for the classifieds?

Can you give me a specific example of what you are searching on? With that I can try and replicate your results and see if I can fix it.

Bing, we only had edit and delete restrictions in the classifieds section. There were no delete/edit restrictions in all other sections.

Hey tpgsr, i was searching for a nismo fpr, it told me there were no resuts, the thread isnt that old either, thats in the son parts sec.

Edit restrictions in normal posts is ghey.