No more Antwann

chance at superbowl ring > extra cash IMHO

I think washington is justifying what they spent with him as a total player, but I still think they paid way too much. 4.5 per year is alot. I will miss him for the gadget plays though.

that’s about right though… right?

i rmemeber arguing with you about el’s lacking skill at being a 1 or 2 reciever…


hes good and all but not worth $31 million… o well

Eh…lets just get plex back :nuts:

especially not as a #3 receiver. He has 35 catches last year. Thats like $130K per catch. :rofl:

I guess god wants him to go to Washington now :jerkit:

im just interested in seeing how they use him. i mean, Moss is the #1 reciever, and i guess Lloyd would be #2…but that money they paid him makes me think that maybe 'El will be the #2. I dont know if Wash has the type of offense to allow the same level of ‘gadget plays’ that we have, so that right there takes some of his value down in my opinion. also, if 'El were to be the #2 reciver, then that would have to be the smallest starting recieving combo in the league, cause both Moss and 'El arent big at all.

i bet they use him as a kick returner and make a gadget play to moss… ???

he already got the ring, i would just get money now if i was him then live easy and play aroudn the next 40 years of life

he will be missed out of the Pittsburgh offense next season. While there were times where he straight up made stupid plays, he also made some pretty good ones. He did throw for a touchdown in the Superbowl. he was number six in the league on punt returns and was the only punt returner to return two for a touchdown last year.

another ring> more money then you could spend

haha. no.

you haven’t been paying attention.

greed = good.

$31m > anything less than $31m

ya, i would think so too. doesnt Moss return tho too? i agree that we will miss him here, that is for sure, but its not a back-breaker that hes gone. honestly i think Quincy can be a better (pure) #2 reciever than both 'El and Wilson if he gets the chance…plus hes got some size.

maybe for you

personally he makes more then he will ever spend. and would make a good amount with the steelers if he wasnt greedy. hes a on a team that blows. i would rather ride out a superbowl team shoot for another ring then make that extra amount. he would still be getting paid, and he would go down in the books as a 2 time superbowl winner instead of a greedy typical trash

I’m so glad I didnt buy that Randle El jersey…

you couldnt spend 31 million? I could do that in a weekend. Thats chump change.

must be the cost of living down in NJ.

and you dont spend 31million you waste it

its Maryland actually.

First of all, you think NFL players are exempt from tax? At least half of that money instantly goes bye bye. That leaves 15 mil. Buy a 5 mil house, a couple mill worth of cars and toys. boom half the money is gone already.

And that 31 mil is spread over 7 years. Not like its a lump sum.

still its wasted. you dont need those cars and etc. he already has money. its a wasted effort.

still Ring> money
history> money