No more Antwann

You probably make $10/hr. If someone offered you double the money to do the same thing at a different job, you’d take it.

But when Randle El make 2 mil a year, and someone offfers him 4 mil, he’s supposed to say no? He has a ring. He has history.

You’re such a faggot.

sorry fool, i havent made that less amount in about 6 yrs. try again.

its not like he wouldnt be taken care of. hes youre typical trash player. look at a real player that has heart. bettis took paycut to stay with the team he seen had a chance for the championship.

and money isnt everything buddy, but thats something you wont understand…pool boy

I love how its so easy for you to sit behind your keyboard and be like “yeah… if someone offered me millions and millions of extra dollars to switch to another team, I wouldnt do it.”

There are so many other factors that play into it. What if one day ARE is walking down the street and some pasty little string bean faggot in a piece of shit mustang is busy checking out the ass on Joe Schmo and runs him over and blows out his knee? He cant play anymore. Now what the fuck is he gonna do? He has to think about the livelyhood of him and his family, the same as you and I do.

But I guess they didnt cover that in GED class.

hey needle dick, sorry youre wrong again with your mentality. its his responsiblity to make life with what he has. second no GED here son, and why dont you go clean some poop out of some pools.

fame,history> money
a pile of shit smarter then you
pile of shit> you

i also like you say about my mustang but you come off liek thats all i own, and then you drive a fucking maxima. a fucking POS one on top of everything. you cant even begin to speak about rides

Its his responsibility to make life with what he has? :rofl:

yeah, I mean… who in this life tries to make BETTER for themselves? We should all just be content with what we have and never strive to make more.


And my Maxima is a piece of shit. :rofl:

you’re comedy gold. Not only don’t you know anything about football, you dont know anything about real life. Which just confirms what everyone else on this board already knows, that you’re a fucking idiot.

can i get a mutha fuckin :owned:

the best part is that the point that he’s trying to make (the fame and shit), ARE is actually STILL better off in Washington.

Pittsbugrh is a running team. ARE only had 35 catches last season. He’ll be much more poised to get the fame and respect that Quik apparantly holds above all else in Washington. But he decided to run his mouth about shit he doesnt know the first thing about. :rofl:

ok lord darkstar what dont i know about football?
and yes your maxima is a POS
you trying to make fun of me is just comedy itself. youre fucking tool but you try to continue to make cracks towards others. seriously pal, growup and realize reality.

the day a person like you actually means something in life is the day nobody would care anyways.

what are you talking about :tool: you got to be kidding me. you really need to go lie off the :shaggy: man its ruining your life and youre judgement. but dealing with pieces of shit like you is worthless. pieces of shit like dont grasp reality.

well hes already got

fame - hes a starter in pro football

history - he has won a superbowl

dude should go to washington to make more loot. plus he wasnt all that great in my eyes anyways. i thought he tired to have to much flash out on the field. I think we can pick somone up that would be better suited for pittsburgh anyways. IMO

I think at this point, it would be easier to ask what you DO know about football.

and yes your maxima is a POS

She treats me just fine.

you trying to make fun of me is just comedy itself.

you’re right. It is kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. But somehow I still get enjoyment from it.

youre fucking tool but you try to continue to make cracks towards others. seriously pal, growup and realize reality.

Its all part of my vigilant stand against stupidity. Dont say stupid things, and I wont make fun of you for being an idiot. But knowing you, I dont see that happenning.

the day a person like you actually means something in life is the day nobody would care anyways.

what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul.

Please explain to me why I’m wrong instead of just saying I’m a dumb pothead thats out of touch with reality.



red X right top of screen use it.

and we all know Mike knows it all, and know everything thats why hes darkstar…get lost or pay a visit

having more superbowl rings back to back is a better history and fame then others.
still having enough money to do whatever it takes in life to enjoy is all better reasons to stay a few dollars less

money isnt everything when it comes to work/happiness and etc

red x? why would I use that? I have no problem dealing with your stupidity. I have been for years. To be honest, its a source of amusement to me.

Get lost or pay a visit? :rofl: Here comes the e-thuggery! :rofl:

you forgot the /Billy Madison

just the same as ppl been dealing with the trash coming from you. and you still cry cause your not a mod. wasted energy replying to a stoner like you. good day

How the fuck do you know that Washington wont win the Superbowl next year? Its not like he walked away from the game. He just went to another team. A team in which he will have a LOT more opportunity to shine. He had 35 fucking receptions last year!!! thats pathetically low.

i know. It just fit so perfectly.